Japanese / English 

Vol. 1  

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Vol. 3


Vol. 4

2003 iEARN Conference News  

Vol. 3

Published by JEARN    URL: http://2003japan.jp/  

July 23.2003

テディーベア プロジェクト / Teddy Bear Project

 iEARNの中で、最も人気あるプロジェクト。テディーベアを交換し合い、ホームステイさせます。観光に連れていったり、言葉を教えたり、そしてテディーベアの気持ちになって日記を付けたり。離島の学校から始めたきっかけや、保護者と共に行われていることが紹介されました。 「いろいろな国の人と連絡がとれるし、相手の国のことを知るだけでなく、自分の国のことも伝えられるのが楽しかった」とは、参加した生徒さんの感想。ぜひ、みなさんもこのテディーベア、ずっと注目していきましょうね。  
Teddy Bear Project is one of the most popular events. We exchanged Teddy Bears with people from other countries and let the bears have homestay.  The host families will take care of the bears, take them around the city, teach cultures and languages, and write bears’ diaries.  In the session, project members reported why they started it and what they have learned from it.  A student member said that “the Teddy Bear Project brings us great opportunities to know other countries and understand ours more and better.”  Everyone, why don’t we pay attention to the Teddy Bears!!




Photo: Misaki cyan with bears.


「ことわざ、熟語」“Proverbs and Idioms Project”   

TODAY: July 24 (Thu)

15:30-16:10    @ Room 302 



Ms. Afra Abnar  &  Ms. Elham Delzendeh




風評被害 - 沖縄と淡路 ― 

Damage of Rumor  Okinawa and Awaji


After September 11, 2001 , Okinawa where US bases are located got economically damaged by rumor of possible terror attacks.  Or, a rumor of SARS caused change of location of the iEARN conference from Sanda-city to Awaji .  Yesterday, the students of Okinawa-Shogaku high school appealed to the audience the necessity of critical thinking; “What is important is to explore and examine the truth with our real eyes.”