Japanese / English  

Vol. 1  

Vol. 2  

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Vol. 4

2003 iEARN Conference News  

Vol. 2

Published by JEARN    URL: http://2003japan.jp/  

July 22.2003



 The first talk was given by Mr. Yutaka Nishida from Kobe , the place of the tragic Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in 1995.  His speech begun his  smile, however, the videos he showed were sometimes painful to watch and they explained how long and hard the load Hanshin and Awaji people have taken since the happening.  Next, Mr. Ryota Nishimoto from Ashinaga Education Meeting made a fine speech in fine English.  Impressed by it, an Iran teacher also proposed an earthquake project (for recovery).  Unexpected disasters cause a lot of casualty, however, this presentation brought us big courage as well


    国際会議場にかわいいテディベアが誕生しました。あのテディは多くの人々が書き込んだメッセージによって描かれています。企画した「ありがとうアートの会(代表:川西よしこさん)」は「ありがとう」の文字を刻みながら絵を描いていくというプロジェクトを実施している団体。今回は世界中から参加しているiEARNの仲間たちに母国語で「愛」や「幸福」をキーワードにメッセージを書き込んでもらいました。多言語での挑戦は今回が 初めてだそうです。川西さんがメッセージに刻んだように「世界中の子ども達が一人残らず幸せに暮らせる」社会をよぶ招き熊となってくれるといいですね。

 Last evening, one cute Teddy Bear of love and happiness was born at the conference center.  Have you looked at it closely?  The bear was pictured by colorful messages from many of you.  This event was planned by “Thank You Art Organization” which is represented by Ms. Yoshiko Kawanishi.  Many iEARN participants wrote messages in their native languages and it became a multilingual Thank You art.  Ms. Kawanishi wishes that “every child in the world would have happy life” and the bear becomes a symbol of our wishes.



“What would you do, if we are obligated to learn child education in school in order to be parents?”  Responding to the increasing number of child abuse, a group from Kwansei Gakuin Univ. proposed the idea of “parents’ license” in a poster session.  Mr. Ryo Takahashi, a leader of the group, emphasized the importance of being conscious about our humanity.”  And why did they join the session?  “We want to be famous here



英語教師Alla Fawzyさん(エジプト)は今日のリーディングに関するプレゼンテーションの中で、“Giving the tree”という絵本



ではないので、自分自身に正直に、あなたらしさを出してください。」 最後に「日本



Ms. Alla Fawzy ( Egypt ) who has been teaching in an English school demonstrated

a reading classroom using the book “Giving the Tree.”  It was impressing that

she made the students to develop their ideas in various ways – (e.g. thinking of another possible title in group).  She stated that group works can make a bridge, connect each other and cross the border.  “Nobody is perfect, so be yourself.

 Be honest!” She also emphasized the importance of being proud of our own languages.



 高校の英語教師、仲澤信明さんのプレゼンテーション「スピーチの授業を通して…」は“Troubleshooter”, ”Storytelling”,”TV Show”など、創造的でコミュニカティブな活動を実践されています。「多彩な授業をされていて、生徒たちも生き生きと授業に参加していてすごかったです!」と、参加者の兵庫県公立高校の英語教師。「もっと公立高校の設備の充実を。そして、教師の給料アップを!」との声も。「多くの方が、スピーチの授業に興味をもってくれてよかった。また、この様な機会があれば嬉しい」と語ってくれた仲澤さん。

 The presentation, “Through Speech Classes…” by Mr. Nobuaki Nakazawa, an English teacher , received

 a big applause. He is making creative and communicative classrooms using games and TV shows.  A high school English teacher from Hyogo praised it as “an astonishing classroom that brought the students enthusiasm.”  Or, another teacher requested “more facilities for students, and more payment for teachers!”

  Mr. Nakazawa expressed his achievement after his work; “I am glad that the audience was interested in speech classrooms this much.  I wish to have another opportunity to share my experience with others.”