2003iEARNTOP Japanese / English

Inside Report of Youth Summit 潜入!ユースサミット


July 22nd, Iwaya Junior High school – In the morning program, “a rice ball” group enjoyed making rice balls – from choosing what to put inside to making shapes by hands.  Although some students might not have been familiar with the taste, they had fun.  “It looked easy to see, but it was not so to do by ourselves.” 


The other group of students, “bamboo” group, made bamboo chopsticks and bamboo rice.  They have difficulties cutting bamboos that were longer than their height.  While waiting for rice ready, they made chopsticks.  Using knifes to sharpen bamboos was not easy, but they managed to make their hand-made souverniors.  During the lunch time, a student introduced a bamboo dish of his country, and then, food talk became heated among them.



After the lunch break, students had an “international?” event.  They participated in group discussion about languages.  The group of Japanese, Taiwanese and Egyptian, that I was joining shared their own culture and lagnauge experiences.  It was surprising that their native langauges have huge differences in sound and writing systems and even numbers.  After the event, they learned from each other how to write their names in different languages.


Coming From the World,  Meeting at Awaji

1.          初の日本訪問のAlice Keyさん科学の先生(アメリカ)は「日本はとてもきれいで、静かで、美しい!」と感激。更に「会議はとてもまとまっており、分かりやすく、優れた科学技術には驚きました」分科会では「世界的なつながり、交流を感じとって帰りたい!」と期待されていました。

A science teacher, Alice Key, who visits Japan for the first time, said, ” Japan is clean, quiet and beautiful!’’ Adding to this, “the conference is well-organized and gave a lucid explanation and I was impressed by excellent science technology.

I expect new global connection.”

親子三代で参加してくれたのは、英語教師のCynthia Junqueiraさん、愛娘のIsabellaさん、祖母Geginaさん(ブラジル)で今回参加の理由は「世界中の色んな人に会い文化を知るためよ!」「日本人の第一印象は皆オープンで、ファッショナブルで、とてもきれい」と絶賛されていました。
Cynthia Junqueira (
Brazil ), an English teacher, joins this conference with her daughter, Isabella, and her mother, Gegina, to meet new people and know different cultures of the world. “My first impression of Japanese people is very open, fashionable, and gorgeous!”
子供達に美術を教えているBedir Suzan Duygnさん(トルコ)。対話方式のCDやホームページなどマルチメディアを駆使した楽しい授業をされていて、このインタビュー中も「こんにちは」「またね」など 日本語を積極的に学ぶ姿は本当に見習いたいものです。
Bedir Suzan Duygn (
Turkey ), a teacher of Art Education, has been promoting multimedia-based classrooms in which students make good use of interactive CDs and internet.  During the interview, she was eager to learn Japanese, saying “Konnichiwa (hello)” and “Matane (see you later) to us.


 9:00 ~ 11:00 (メインホール)

    全体会 基調講演 (P002)  iEARN changed my world iEARNがわたしの世界を変えた)」

    iEARN Youth代表  Ms.Sarah Alam

11:00 ~ 17:00(メインホール 及び 各会場) 各分科会 及び ワークショップ 

・ポスターセッション(11:00 ~ 13:40 2階回廊)




 Today’s programs : July 23(Wed)

  9:00 – 11:00      Plenary Session  at Main hall, 2F  

        “ iEARN changed my world ”  Ms.Sarah Alam, Representative of iEARN Youth

11:20 – 17:00  Regular Session and Workshops at each room, 2F – 4F Poster Session (11:20 –           13:40 2nd Floor Corridor)

             Poster Session (11:20 – 13:40 2nd Floor Corridor) Book Exchange (Reception Hall B), Thank You Art(Reception Hall B)  

Some additional information and change will be notified on handouts.