Wedding iEARN風結婚式

- 「やっと春が来ましたね」「先生が私たちを愛してくれているように、私たちも先生のこと愛しています!!」 - 本当に心から幸せをお祈りします。おめでとう!!
In the evening of July
23rd, participants and volunteers got together at an information
exchange dinner party. Some
were dancing with music and others had fun talking with others.
The energy of the party definitely came from the power of
iEARN solidity. Interestingly, the most exciting thing was the
WEDDING ceremony of Mr. Hiroshi Ueno(from our press team!) and Ms.
Yukari Ueno. As a
main member of the conference, Mr. Ueno has been busy with all
the iEARN tasks, but – “I couldn’t think of any other
place for my wedding!!” Blessed
with a huge applause from all the audience, they looked very
pleased. What a
fabulous moment!!! From
his students to him – “spring eventually comes to
you!!” “We love you as much as you love us!!!” – We
all wish both of you a happy happy life!!!
24日、今大会のテーマソング「ねがい」の発表が行われました。そして、世界中12の言語で「ねがい」が歌われ、とても圧巻でした。 大州中学校の卒業生、港中の生徒たちによる日本語での合唱のあと、フィンランドの教師・Mikaさんによる演奏と歌。その後、中国語、スワヒリ語、ヒンディー語、ファルシ語、スロベニア語、マケドニア語、フランス語、ロシア語、そして英語、エジプト語・・・・。大州中学校の卒業生たちは、「世界の人たちに歌われているなんてうれしい」「私たちの学習からの作品が世界の人たちに歌ってもらえて嬉かった」と感動していました。
by everyone, Piano; by Mr.. Mika, and Koto by Ms. Ohkubo]
concert of “Negai” – the theme song – was held
on 24th. Participants
from 12 countries performed 12 different versions –
Japanese by student chorus, Finish by Mr. Mika, Chinese,
Swahili, Hindi, and more. Participants
from junior high school were excited, saying “it was exciting
that we all sang it together” and “it was our great pleasure
that our work contributed to make the world become one.