Teleclass Conference #39


Video Conference


(Outline, Questionnaire, Summary)



Hawaii | Yokohama Student Conference


Mar. 25(Wed.) 4:00pm- 5:30 --Hawaii

Mar. 26(Thu.) 11:00am-12:30--Japan


Yokohama city Sakura ga oka High School

University of Hawaii Video Conference room

Sponsored by:

Foundation for Multi Media Communications

Teleclass International Japan

Backed by: Ministry of Education

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Yokohama city Board of Education

Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.

Funded by: The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation

Usage of the ISDN Video Conference System

Title: " Introduce our city and Culture"


YOKOHAMA: Yokohama city Sakura ga oka HS

HAWAII : Sacred Hearts Academy


To use this video conference as a precious chance to introduce their cities and talk about each culture between students of Hawaii and students of Japan.

To make it an occation to begin sister-school exchange.


[Program on Mar. 25/26 ]

0:00 Greetings & Introductions

Sakuragaoka- very short school introduction

brief greeting from each person

0:05 Greetings & Introductions

Sacred Hearts- very short school introduction

brief greeting from each person

0:10 Presentation I : Sakuragaoka

" About our school & Hometown"

0:20 Presentation II : Sacred Hearts

" Hawaiian Language Lesson"

numbers and common expressions in Hawaiian

0:30 Presentation III : Sakuragaoka

Game " Culture Shock ! "

0:40 Presentation IV : Sacred Hearts

" Huki Lau " (means party) Hawaiian dance lesson

0:50 Free talk / Q&A

0:58 Goodbyes

1:00 Teachers' Conference


* discussion topics:

"What is the best use of Teleclass as the tool

for collaborative studies"

If TIJ gets the budget for future programs, what is the best use of Teleclass for your both school students and teachers? With e-mail exchange, with Lumaphone (video phone), with video conference

When is the best time to have next conf.?

Topics for students research ?

What is the best ways for students to prepare for Teleclass?

1:15 Closing

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