#76 Teleclass Video Conference


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(Outline, Questionnaires, Comments.etc)


[E-Mail from Mike introducing GL2000]

y@Millennium Project February 29th 2000@z
For those who are new to our millennium project let me outline how the event will work.

On February 29th 2000 as dawn breaks at the International Dateline schools around the world will prepare for what we hope will be day we will all@remember. The project is being co-ordinated in Slough by Mike Griffith, with particular help from Maureen James and James Shore at Picturetel UK and @several companies in Slough that form part of the Slough Business Partnership.
The project uses ISDN video conferencing technology and will enable schools in Slough to link with a partner school in a region from around the world. In the past months and during the coming months we are busy constructing a network of sites, around the globe, using video conferencing equipment ready for the big event.

So how will it all work?
With the network of sites around the world in place by the end of 1999 the scene will be set of a journey of a lifetime. We've estimated that there is a 12 hour period when realistic contact can be established on our journey around the world. So between 7am and 7pm schools in Slough will have a cultural exchange with a select partner in another region of the world. The link will last about 20 minutes and will involve sharing something about themselves and their region with their global partner. It might be music, art or poetry, this will be at the discretion of the partners (prior to the big day schools will have communicated and agreed an agenda for their meeting) Technical arrangements for the event@Prior to February 29th schools will be notified of their partner and communication using email, fax and videoconference will allow partners to prepare for their section of the day. A clear timetable for the day will allow regions to invite guests and to generate publicity within their community.
Our journey around the world will take us from New Zealand in the early hours of the project across Australia, through Asia, the Middle East, Africa and@Europe and finally across the Atlantic to the USA. If possible a final link back to New Zealand will make our circuit complete. Picturetel UK in Slough are BridgingEthe event for us and all sites will dial into Slough from there ISDN line to a Slough UK number.The Bridge will enable several sites to stay online after their designated section. We are also planning a centre piece event for 12.00 (Noon) GMT. We are in the process of contacting VIP to share the event. If you know of a VIP in your region of the world then let me know.
Our VIP so far include contacts at NASA, the Science Museum and the world of sport etc., the criteria is World recognition in their particular fieldE We are hoping the use of video conferencing will mean that other VIP can drop in from a convenient conference suite and share the day with us.

The deadline!
The day has been chosen FEBRUARY 29th 2000. The date for our project will not change!
The structure for the day is now established.( linking schools and colleges together as we travel round the world on approximately 12 hours)
The day will begin at 7 am GMT with an estimated to finish of 7 p.m. GMT (there is a little some room for flexibility)
The individual links school to school will be identified and developed by November 1999 Individual links will be the responsibility of participating partners. (communicating via fax, email etc) Project details should be to Mike Griffith (Project Director)
All arrangements will be in place by Monday 14th February 2000. Test connection will have been made in the weeks prior to this date.
A budget has been set up to support the project and the cost of the bridge. We do not wish to exclude participants who wish to take part on the grounds of financial constraints, however those taking part in the day will be expected to make the call to Slough as part of their contribution to the days events.
Arbour vale expects to cover the cost of one call to a link site as part of the pre project testing.
WE hope for National TV coverage etc.
Best wishes
mike Griffith.

[Millennium Project February 29th 2000]

For those who are new to our millennium project let me outline how the event will work.

On February 29th 2000 as dawn breaks at the International Dateline schools around the world will prepare for what we hope will be day we will all remember. The project is being co-ordinated in Slough by Mike Griffith, with particular help from Maureen James and James Shore at Picturetel UK and has the support of several companies in Slough that form part of the Slough Education Action Zone.
The project uses ISDN video conferencing technology and will enable schools in Slough to link with a partner school in a region from around the world. In the past months and during the coming months we are busy constructing a network of sites, around the globe, using video conferencing equipment ready for the big event.

So how will it all work?
With the network of sites around the world in place by the end of September 1999, the scene will be set for a very exciting journey. We've estimated that there is a 12+ hour period when realistic contact can be established on our journey around the world. So between 6/7am and 7/8pm schools in Slough will have an exchange with a selected partner in another region of the world. The link will last about 20+ minutes and will involve partners preparing to present and share something about themselves and their region with their global partner. The subject matter will be decided by the partners but will be based on subjects, which already form part of the school curriculum. It might be music, art, poetry, literature, environmental issues, politics, history, geography and issues that are of particular interest to the students involved. Prior to the big day schools will have communicated and agreed an agenda for their meeting.
I envisage at least two video meetings while preparations for the day take place.

Update September 6th 1999
Thanks to all those involved in our project. It is proving to very exciting working with colleagues around the globe. Maureen James, at Picturetel, and Mike Griffith, Arbour Vale School, Slough are busy driving the network of contacts forward. The real work of the project is ready to begin. It is now time for our partners to make a real commitment to the work and plan for their involvement on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 29th. The planning for the day is taking shape. So far we have received a commitment from THE GREAT BARRIER REEF, NASA and The SCIENCE MUSEUM in London. Each of these sites is preparing a spectacular field trip as part of the day. These field trips will be timed to enable participants to meet with some special personalities and ask interesting questions. The timing of the day will be incredibly important and the structure will be in place by the beginning of October. The significant factor will be school hours and your commitment to be flexible about the beginning and end of your day. We are very grateful to commitment made by our "set pieces" who have agreed to be available throughout the event. This will of course mean very unsociable hours for NASA and THE REEF. In September classes in Arbour Vale School will be linked with partner school in Slough Education Action Zone. These schools will be asked to make a commitment to the project and begin to build a relationship with the allocated partner from a region of the world.
These partnerships will be place by the end of September!
We are now looking at a number of "set pieces" during the day. Early morning, Noon and a final set piece to finish the Activity (All times will be quoted as GMT).

There are a number of addition strands, which we hope to develop with the project.

1. I am planning to produce a book about out work. Partners will be required to keep a diary of their project, take photographs. The idea is to form a directory of partners and allow others to see the highs and lows of using videoconferencing technology.

2. Each area will of course be free to generate local publicity and invite local Personalities/Politicians to share the day. I have contacted the UK Prime Minister. His office are checking his diary to see if he can join us on the day.

3. We are also contacting TV companies in the UK with a view to them following our progress.

The day is for our network of schools and the students to make the best use of their ISDN Videoconferencing equipment. It is an education project run by teachers. There will be some constraints will be those set by the co-ordinators in Slough, in order to ensure the day is as successful as it can be. It will therefore be necessary to impose some timing on our partners and create some inconvenience. However we believe that those who are really committed top the day will not mind these minor impositions.
With your help this day is going to be a Great Success. The real success will be the partnerships that develop from the experience we create from February 1999.

[Participants from Japan]

1. Ako city Shioya Elementary School

Coordinator : Mr. Shiwaku@
Subject: Story Presentation "Ako roshi" , demonstration of "Kendo"
Time:17:00 - 18:00 (JST)

2. Chiba Toride city Toride First Junior High School

Coordinator : Mr.Tanabe
Subject: Story Presentation ; "Haiku", a kind of Japanese poem
Time:17:00 - 18:00 (JST)

3. Miyazaki city Akae- higashi Junior high School

Equipment : Phoenix Ver.1.5
Coordinator: Mr. Nishihara, Mr. Komatsu
Subject: Story Presentation ; Myth of Umisachi and Yamasachi
Time: 17:00-18:00(JST)


4. Hyogo Yoka town Yoka Junior High School

Tel:0796-62-2237, Fax:0796-62-2238
Equipment: Phoenix Mini
Coordinator: Mr. Nishida
Subject: Ecology -- Listener, Animal - Q&A
Time: 15:30 -16:30, 16:30- 17:00 (JST)

5. Kobe Free School

Equipment: Phoenix Mini
Coordinator: Mr. Tanabe, Ms. Oki
Subject:Ecology - Listener
Time:15:30- 16:30 (JST)

6. Hyogo Itami city ECC Junior

Equipment:Phoenix Mini
Coordinator:Mr. Inomata
Subject: Story Presentation; "Momotaro"
Time:17:00-18:00 (JST)

7. Kagoshima Miyaura Junior High School

URL:http://nagatome.com/, http://www.d1.dion.ne.jp/~miyacyu/@
Equipment:Phoenix Mini
Coordinator:Mr. Nagatome
Subject:Ecology - Q&A
Time: 15:30- 16:30


Site Name Role
1 Arbour Vale School, UK Chair/Introduction
2 Reef HQ Theatre, AU Presentation
3 Miyaura JHS, JP Presentation
4 Egypt Presentation
5 PRO College Romania Q and A
6 Samponet Ilomantsi, FI Q and A
7 Singapore Q and A
8 Llandybie CP School, Wales Q and A
9 Aloney Yitzhak Israel Q and A
10 Miyazaki School, JP Listener -> changed to
Yoka JHS
11 TAFE SA, Australia Listener
12 Gesto Prague PRBL, Czech Listener
13 Australia Library Listener
14 Canterbury High School, UK Listener
15 Slough & Eton, UK Listener
16 Kobe Free School, Japan Listener
17 Ankara - Turkey Listener
18 Istanbul - Turkey Listener
19 Izmir ? Turkey Listener

Site Name Role
1 Arbour Vale School, UK Chair/Introduction
2 Australia Library Presentation
3 Miyaura Junior High School, Japan Q and A
4 TAFE SA, Australia Q and A
5 Aloney Yitzhak Israel Q and A
6 Llandybie CP School, Wales Q and A
7 Reef HQ Theatre, Australia Listener
8 Miyazaki School, Japan Listener
9 Samponet Ilomantsi, Finland Listener
10 Gesto, Prague PRBL, Czech Rep Listener
11 Singapore Listener
12 Canterbury High School, UK Listener
13 PRO College Romania Listener
14 Kobe Free School, Japan Listener
15 Ankara - Turkey Listener
16 Istanbul - Turkey Listener
17 Izmir Turkey Listener
18 Egypt Listener

Site Name Role
1 Arbour Vale School Chair/Introduction
2 Bishop Stortford High@School UK Presentation
3 Miyazaki Akae Higashi JHS Japan Presentation
4 Reef HQ Theatre Australia Presentation
5 ECC Jr Nishinolchome,Japan Presentation
6 Toride First Jr High Sch, Japan Presentation
7 Sint-Dimpnalyceum Geel, Belgium Listener
8 William Penn School Slough Listener
9 Slough &Eton School UK Listener
10 Shioya Elementary School, Japan Listener -changed to Presentation but no chance because of time off.

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