#74Teleclass Video Conference

Elementary School version

(Outline, Program, Questionnaires & Comments)

The3rd Simizu- Morris


Name of the
Teleclass The World 2000    Osaka - MI, USA
Date: Feb. 10 (Thursday) 2000. Feb. 11 (Friday) 2000.
Time: 16:40 - 17:10 (MI) 7:40 - 8:10 (Japan)
Place: Japan ;Shimizu Elementary School, Takatsuki, Osaka
MI:Morris Area Elementary School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Schools for the conference : Japan: PTA activity "Shimizu Telecalss" At Shimizu Elementary School in Takatsuki city Osaka
Contact: Yoko Takaya tel:81-726-87-3439
MI: "Japanese Class" At Morris Area Elementary School in Minneapolis Minessota
Contact: Mrs.Pam Solvie tel:1-320-589-4400
Sponsored by: Teleclass International Japan
Foundation for Multi Media Communications
Shimizu Teleclass
Endorsed by : Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.
Cooperated with: Shimizu Teleclass
Usage of the ISDN Video conference system 128kbps
Japan: Kyocera KV6200/ 81-726-88-6553
Morris: PictureTel Venue 2000/1-612-230-3182
Contact person:Kristi Puppe, NWLINKS Scheduler,Tel:1-218-281-8407 Fax:1-218-281-8410
Karen Lundstrom ETS scheduler tel:1-218-747-2257
      Barb Hoppey Morris contact tel:1-320-589-4400
Room tel. Numbers for emergency: Japan: tel 81-090-3612-5199
Morris: tel 1-320-589-4400 ext. 3005
Date and time for testing: Feb. 8 at 17:00 (MI) / Feb. 9 at 8:00 (Japan)
Theme: "Touch the World, Touch the Future - We want to know more"


Time schedule
00:00 Test Connection (10 minutes)
00:10 Shimizu greetings,
Morris greetings
00:14 Morris Program (12 minutes)
They talk about their weather and ask about our weather, and talk about their season
of winter and ask about our season of winter, and talk about their food and ask about
our food
00:26 Shimizu Program (12 minutes)
Quiz " Who plays 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars'? " (4 minutes)

Name of the group: "Snoopy"
5 girls play 5 different tunes at the same time. Some play on pipe and some
on keyboard-harmonica. One of the girls plays "Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Stars." Morris children find out who plays the tune. Each of them has
number on their clothes (?) and the children answer the number of the
girl who plays it.

Quiz " Which is Osechi Ryohri, or Japanese new year dishes ? " (4 minutes)
Name of the group: "Mysterious Boys"
Boys prepare 4 or 5 questions about "Osechi-ryohri."
Here's a sample of the quiz:
Q 1. "Which is RENKON in these 3 materials?" Each of the materials has
number beside it. The boys show them to Morris children, picking them
up, pressing and hitting on a table. Morris children find the material
which they are questioned and tell us the number of it. After the boys
tell the correct answer, they show the cooked material and eat it.

Q Question / answer Other materials
1 Renkon or lotus root with very unique shape yum Tulip bulb
2 Kohya-tohfu 
or dried bean curd
sponge woodblock
3 Mochi or rice cake soap Kon'nyaku (jelly) or Paste made from devil's-tongue
4 Kuro-mame
or a black bean
or fermented soybeans
Beans except Kuro-mame
5 Kamaboko
or fish sausage
eraser chalk

00:34 Quiz "What animal is the silhouette?" (4 minutes)
Name of the group: "Genki Musume" or "Stormy Girls"
Girls prepare 4 questions. Each time, a girls shows the silhouette of an
animal and the other show three boards which are drawn some animals on
the boards. Morris children choose a correct answer and tell them the number
of the board. *The girls show them a hint such as an animal noise or
00:38 Closing (2 minutes)
Sayonara and a song "Oyasumi nasai"
00:40 END

Modulator: Japan; Aoi Tanabe, Morris; Pam Slovie

System Operatior: Japan: Mrs. Yoko Takagi TIJ Japan
MI: Mrs. Pam Solvie and Kristi Puppe (?)

[Words of the song,"Oyasumi nasai" ]

Oyasumi nasai minasan,
Oyasumi nasai minasan,
Oyasumi nasai minasan,
Oyasumi nasai minasan,

Good night my friends, goodnight.
Good night my friends, goodnight.
Good night my friends, goodnight my friends,
Good night my friends, goodnight.

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