#58 Teleclass Conference

Simizu Elementary - Morris Area Elementary

"Shirimoji" quiz

He writes a hiragana word with his bottom.


(Outline, Program, Comments)




Name of the Project: Teleclass The World 1998, Osaka-MI

Date:Apr. 30(Fri.) 1999. 7:40 - 8:10 (Japan)
Apr. 29(Thu.) 1999. 17:40 -18:10 (MI)
Place: Japan: Teleclass International Japan Office
MI : Morris Area Elementary School ª@ª@

Schools for the conference:

Japan: Shimizu Elementary School in Takatsuki city Osaka

Contact: Ms. Yoko Takaya , Yoko Takagi (TIJ)

MI : Morris Area Elementary School in Minneapolis (MI)

600 Columbia Avenue Morris, Minnesota U.S.A.56267

Teacher:Pam Solvie tel:1-320-589-4400

Sponsored by: Foundation for Multi Media Communications

Teleclass International Japan

Endorsed by:
Ministry of Foreign Affaires
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.

Cooperated with: BBCC Education System MINE

Usage of the ISDN Video Conference System

ISDN equipment/numbers:

Japan: Kyocera KV6200/ 81-726-80-2115
Morris: PictureTel Venue 2000 / 612-230-3182

ª@ª@ª@ª@Contact person:Kristi Puppe, NWLINKS Scheduler,
ª@ª@ª@ª@ª@tel:1-218-281-8407 Fax:1-218-281-8410
ª@ª@ª@ª@ª@Karen Lundstrom ETS scheduler tel:1-218-747-2257
ª@ª@ª@ª@ª@Barb Hoppey Morris contact tel:1-320-589-4400

Room tel. Numbers for emergency:

Japan: tel 81-726-88-3415
Morris: tel 1-320-589-4400

Date and time for testing:

1. Mar.10 6:00pm MI / Mar.11 9:00am JST
( for 10 minutes testing)

2. Mar.16 6:00pm MI / Mar.17 9:00am JST

Theme: " Touch the World, Touch the future "


Time schedule :
opening by both students (one minute each)

00:02 Japan hosting

1. self introduction by 10 children
2. Questions
3. Game

Children write a Hiragana characters with their bodies.
Guess what word they write and choose the answer
from the 3 answer sheets.

00:14 Morris hosting
students will ask"riddles". The riddles will be in Japanese and will be about buildings, food, animals, sports, and seasons.

00:26 sing together " Dango 3 brothers"

00:29 closing Sayonara

00:30 end of the session

Modulator : Japan:TIJ, Morris : Ms. Pam

System Operation Japan: Teleclass International Japan


[ E-mail from Pam]

Dear Yoko,

Thank you very much for the meeting this evening-your morning! My students enjoyed it greatly! They loved the hiragana game and the song so very much! It was wonderful to see and meet the students.

I apologize for our Japanese skills. We love speaking but I know we need a great deal of work! Were you able to understand some of what we said?

These students had fun and good learning experiences preparing the riddles. I hope they were a bit understandable.

Your picture and sound were very clear. How did you find ours this time? Was it too dark. Were the children too far away? When we practiced in the lab we tried to get everyone seated and able to move up closer when they spoke. I really like the way your camera gave us close shots of your students.

Would you be able to connect yet another time? I have money for the connection and my students would love to connect again. I know the school year in Japan has just recently begun so perhaps everyone is very, very busy. We have one month left of this school year.

Please let me know what you thought of this connection and if you might consider another one. I so appreciate your time, your expertise, and your caring in creating such a wonderful experience, yet I know you must be very busy.

With much appreciation and thanks,


[Mail to Simizu Students from Pam]

Konnichiwa, Minasan!

I am Pam Solvie and am writing to apologize for the lateness of our reply to you. My class so enjoyed receiving the letter you sent and for two days we have wanted to reply but have not been able to do so. We will most certainly write the letter tomorrow and send it to you.

As a teacher, I want to tell you how very much I enjoyed our connection! It was wonderful to see and hear you and to really communicate with you! If it is possible we would really love to connect again during the month of May!

My children discussed and celebrated Children's Day today in our classroom. Do you call it Children's Day or Boys' Day?

I will let the children tell you more tomorrow! Thank you very much for the connection and for your wonderful letter!

Very sincerely,

Pam Solvie

[ Commentsfrom Morriss student]

Ohayo Gozaimasu!

It was really fun to talk to you! It was nice to meet you! We appreciate you talking to us! We really liked to talk with you and share our riddles with you. It was fun on that day!

It was fun to listen to you sing! We really enjoyed your song about the three dumpling brothers! It was interesting listening to you sing because we knew some words and because it was a different song to us. We didn't understand all of the words but we practiced with the copy we got. We liked the "Dango" part!

We liked the writing you did with your bodies! We liked guessing the characters you were making. It was cool how you made the characters!

We're glad you liked our riddles. The rice riddle was white, not yellow. Maybe we said it wrong! We have white rice in America, not yellow rice. Thank you for listening to our riddles and guessing them. We felt excited when you guessed the answers right because you understood our Japanese.

It was fun talking to you and we wish we could connect with you again! Do you think we could? Maybe you can write to us again. We would like that!

Domo arigato gozaimasu!


P.S.-I would love to receive some music tapes and books in Japanese! What a joy it would be to receive them from you!

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