Teleclass Conference #53

SENRI HS (Osaka) - ACJC(Singapore)


( Outline, Program, Questionnaire, etc.)




Name of the Project: Teleclass The World 1998

Osaka & Singapore Teleclass Conference


Feb. 24(Wed.) 1999. 10:40 - 12:30 (Japan)

Feb. 24(Wed.) 1999. 9:40 - 11:30 (Singapore)


Osaka: Osaka Prefectural Senri high School

Singapore :yKDD TELECOMET Singapore Pte. Ltd.z

133 Cecil Street #14-02CKeck Seng TowerC

Singapore 069535

TEL: 65-220-7001 , FAX: 65-223-9161(G3) , 534-6502(G4)


Schools for the conference:

Osaka: Osaka Prefectural Senri High School

2-17-1 Takanodai Suita city Osaka 565-0861

Tel:06-871-0050, Fax:06-871-2587

Teacher: Ms Yuko Tomoda

Singapore: Anglo Chinese Junior College

25 Dover Close East Singapore 139745

Republic of Singapore

Tel: +65 775-0511, Fax: +65 777 5479

Principal Mrs Lim Han Soon

Teacher: TH Lee, Heng Gee Sang

Sponsored by: Foundation for Multi Media Communications

Teleclass International Japan

Endorsed by:

Ministry of Foreign Affaires

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Osaka Prefecture Board of Education

Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.

Cooperated with: BBCC Education System MINE

(Broadband-network Business chance & Culture Creation

Education System:

Multimedia Interactive Network for Education)

Usage of the ISDN Video Conference System

ISDN equipment/numbers:

Osaka: Kyocera KV6200 ; 81-6-6836-2208

KDD TELECOMET: Hitachi DP-200; 65-65-534-6502

Contact person(mail address):Mr.Miyahara

Room tel. Numbers for emergency:

Osaka: tel 81-6-6871-0050

KDD TELECOMET: tel 65-220-7001

Date and time for testing:

1.Feb.22 Monday

Osaka: TIJ office 81-726-80-2115 ISDN number

KDD TELECOMET:65-534-6502

2.Feb.23 Tuesday


TELECOMET: 65-534-6502

Theme: " Touch the World, Touch the future "



Part I "Death Penalty"

Part II "Cloning"

Time schedule :


00:00 opening

00:05 information exchange 'School life' in both countries

00:15 start discussion 'Death Penalty'

00:45 closing

00:50 end part I

00:50 - 01:00 Break


01:00 opening

01:05 information exchange 'My favorite ****'

01:15 Start discussion 'Cloning'

01:45 closing

01:50 end part II


Senri:Ms Tomoda

ACJC:Ms Ong Leh Hwa(?)

System Operation Osaka: Teleclass International Japan


E-Mail exchange: introduction each other


[E-mail Exchange between Singapore & TIJ]

Dear Ms Takagi

Thank you for arranging the teleclass between my college and Senri High School. My students have enjoyed the experience of teleconferencing and the discussion with the Japanese students very much. They do not get many chances to speak to foreigners, so they were very excited to be able to have the cultural exchange.

It was very nice to be able to meet you on screen and I hope that we will someday be able to say hello in person. If you have the chance to come to Singapore, please do inform me and I will be most delighted to meet you again.

As regards the questionnaire, I have received both the teacher's and the student's copies and my students have completed filling them in. I am not sure how you would like me to send them to you. Should I mail them to you? If so, then I would need your mailing address. Please let me have your reply soon.

Thank you again.

Ong Leh Hwa

Anglo-Chinese Junior College

Hi, Mr. Ong Leh Hwa!

I am so glad to get your mail, and again I appreciate you very much for your effort to have made this real time conference together. Ms Tomoda, Senri High School will be glad to read your mail too.

I worried that your side may have disappointed a bit during the discussion time since our side sometimes lost to toss the ball up and bounced it back to your students. Please understand it was their first time and the room was too cold to keep the energy up.

I met you on the screen too. I wish I could fly to your school and learn PC Internet video conferencing from you right away! Someday soon, I am sure.

Yoko, Teleclass International Japan

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