Teleclass Conference #45





(Outline, Program, Questionnaire, Comments)



CHIBA---SYDNEY Student Conferrence

Date:June 15(Mon) 10:30 (Japan)

June 15(Mon) 11:30 (Sydney)

Place: Chiba Prefectual Choshi High School

Sydney KDD Video Conferrence Room

Title:Festival.Sccession of Culture

Sponsored by:Teleclass International Japan

Foundation for Multi Media Communications

Funded by: The Telecommunications Adverncement Foundation

Backed by: Ministry of Education

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co.,Ltd.

Usage of the ISDN Video Conference System


Chiba Prefectual Choshi Hight School

SYDNEY:Sydney English Language Center (SELC)


To heve real time communication between Choshi High School students and students in Sydney. This is the first experience in TELECLASS.

To introduce and understand Japanese high school students life , foreign studentŐs life, each countries culture and traditional art.

To take a growing interest in foreign country and to search correct international understanding.


00:00 opening ,greeting

00:10 self introduction

introduce : "MATSURI " in six language

00:20 Presentation CHIBA

*Choshi High School School Tour

*Explain Choshi,"MATSURI"

*Explain photograph of "MATSURI"

-----TANABATA festival etc.

*Explain " OHAYASHI" "Instruments", "Dance in Festival"

*About the Succession of Traditional Entertainment

.......activities, problems, etc

*Explain a day of high school student in Japan

...... classes, club activities, etc.


01:00 Presentation Sydney

* About SELC

*Introduce students

*About Culture & Tradition in Switzerland

* About Czech

* About Brazil, Carnival in Rio

*About Vietnam


01:40Free Talking............about studying abroad, Working Holidays

01:55 Closing Good bye and Sayonara



MS Ohi's Comment

I'm Fumiko Ohi, a staff of SELC.

Thank you very much for today's conference.

Despite not enough time for the preparation, today's video conference was successful, I think , in the mutual understanding the culture and festival of each country. Especially the performance used Japanese drums and pipers seemed to attract SELC students substantially.

I wonder if Japanese students could understand SELC students' English well or not. They said they could understand almost of Japanese students' English.

Very sorry we didn't have any time to listen to the questions about working holiday and studying abroad. I'll answer them through e-mail. Please ask me anything that I can help you. The matter of a morning glory, I'll answer it after confirming Mr. Araki it's true that the vine of a morning glory winds in thereverse or not.

I'm sure today's video conference was a marvelous experience to all the students here. Thank you so much again.

Mr.Fujii's Comment to all the participants

( He is a teacher of Matsudo-Yagiri High School.)

You felt a little bit tired from today's video conference, didn't you ?

I didn't read your answer for the questionnaire yet, so I don't know what you thought about today's 2 hour's conference.

If you felt ' It was interesting.' or ' I wish I could speak English much better.', please remember of Ms Takagi's comment. As she said, today's English is a little different from usual class English at school, isn't it ?

One student said I could tell only a word to a word. It's OK for the first time. But you 'd better think ' only a word ' but ' even a word'. Ms Takagi said it took 10 years for her to speak English frequently and I don't know how many years it'll take for you. A word will be sure to make one sentence and next two sentences--. Make good use of your class English and in addition,

It's important to remind how you can use this phrase on today's conference. You 'd better you have a conscious to remember someone used this expression on the video conference, which will progress your English ability.

Some student wrote ' not only by English but in gesture', which is also very important. The most careful thing for you to communicate with others is ' You mustn't be silence.' At that point, I think, all of you were very active today.

But to communicate by English is more understandable each other than in gesture. I think your class and your match has the very similar points,' to concentrate' and ' to do watching the partner'.

If there were anyone who didn't speak English well or didn't feel interesting today you'd better don't think so, 'cause you only didn't have chance or time today. I'm sure the next time is your turn and you'll do your best.

Very sorry my school couldn't participate this time but I could enjoy to see your good job very much. I do hope my school will be able to join you next time.

I really appreciate today's conference.

PS: I'm teaching writing in the 3rd grade and OCB in the 2nd grade this year and I'm planning to make some of the students to practice of e-mail. I hope your help if we have such a chance, thank you.

Mr.Sato's Comment

To Ms Oi

Thank you so much for your all kind arrangement. I'm wondering you felt nervous for our not enough preparation, incomplete harmony by three mixed groups, and a little bit troubled MC. Nevertheless 12 students in 14 participants wanted to participate next time too if possible. Very happy if you'll tell SELC students our appreciation. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time for us.

I appreciate Mr. Araki, too, who arranged such a chance including a morning glory vine. I showed our students some SELC booklet and some of them got a great interest. I hope you'll help someone will visit Sydney some day.

Thank you.

Whole Impression

I thank all the participants to come to the edge of Chiba Prefecture.To my regret, if our students had applied much earlier, we could have done more creatively. But we could think today's conference as a good beginning for us, 'cause they could express their intentions even though less than what they wanted to tell and they want to participate next time too, if possible.

In addition, I appreciate the valuable advice from each teacher, which made good start for them. Actually at our school, three side counselor- a student, a parent, and a teacher -had begun. I belong to the 3rd grade and our counselor is about the student's futurecourse. One of today's participants told me the change to English course of university under the influence of today's exchange with Australia. I felt a little confusion, but at the same time I thought it wonderful if we could help her at the big turning point of her life.

Thank you so much, Ms Takagi, Mr. Fujii, and Mr. Ito.

I was too busy to send you a grateful letter for the counselor, ALT's sudden return home, practice of interview and so on.

The students were very glad to receive the message and a lot of photos from Mr. Fujii, thank you very much.

Ms Takagi, I sent you the video conference system and Teleclass logo signboard just in time the last mail service on that day. Did you receive them safely, though I made sureto tell to be sent carefully as they are precision instruments ?

Mr. Ito, very sorry you were worried about today's conference, despite your bad condition. We may have a little chance to exchange with your school in my class lesson or computer club activities. The internet construction at our school had finished, soafter some discussion among the teachers about the way of internet use, I'll be able toplan the date according your contact. How is your health ? Please take care of all your family. If someone become ill in the family, the others get out of condition, don't they?


[Conclusion by TIJ]

Sorry to be late in writing the conclusion, enjoying your active exchange by e-mail.

The days have passed so quickly, to our relief after finishing the last 1997 Teleclass Project. Thank you so much , all of you. Especially by Mr. Sato and Ms Oi's a week's great efforts before the conference, Chiba- Sydney Teleclass was held and could finishsuccessfully.

Ms Oi, I appreciate for the full gathering from different countries of such merry, sincere students. Please send our best regards to Mr. Adam, who organized Sydney side well, according to our wishes.

Mr. Sato, I was deeply impressed by your enthusiasm for instructing your studentstill midnight. I think such work with eagerness like yours supports today's Japaneseeducation. Thank you for your trouble to send me the instruments and signboard,which I received safely.

Mt. Fujii, I appreciate your detail arrangement. Your message written in the train on the way home, made a deep impression on us. I got digital camera file from you, but I don't know how to thaw. When I open, the works start automatically, but I don't know where I should open to see tit. Very happy if you'll teach me.

Mr. Hiratsuka, your operation skill helped us very much. You took on a video about how to connect, so it's OK for us only to send the video conference system to you on the next time Teleclass project, isn't it ? It's much better if your students could operate thesystem by themselves, I think. Thank you very much.

Mr. Ito, I was looking forward to seeing you. Very surprised to know your bad condition on e-mail. I'm praying you'll recover your health to be a usual tough guy. I was very glad to know your enthusiasm to Teleclass project at Funahashi High School. I'll send you some materials about Teleclass.

Mr. Nakamura, - KDD Sydney staff

Thank you so much for today's conference, including two times trial conference before the real one. I'm filled with gratitude with your great support to be finished today's conference so successfully.

With all your efforts, Teleclass one project could be finished. My best impression is that both SELC and Choshi HS students were willing to accept mutual understanding, shown in their words or on their movements. Consideration for the word and younger student, their fresh and vivid reaction and intent attitude I think these are just the purpose of Teleclass. We could understand this in the result of the answer of the questionnaire which I will send you soon.

I hope your exchange will be better by good use of mail address sent from Ms Ohi.

(TIJ Takagi)

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