Teleclass Conference #40




(Outline, Questionnaire, Summary)



The 40th Teleclass Video Conferences

"Victoria /

Asahikawa Teleclass Day"

DATE: May 23rd Saturday

TIME: 9:00 - 9:50 Japan

10:00 - 10:50 Aust.


Bairnsdale SecondaryCollege : Mr.Bob Carter Ms Etsuko Kito

Asahikawa Girls' Commercial & Meisei HS :Ms Atsuko Futozima


Asahikawa Girl's Commercial High School

ISDN 81-166-59-2215 2B school 81-166-51-3220

Bairnsdale Secondary College

ISDN 61-3-515-00610 2B room 61-3-515-22602

TOPIC: Virtual trade of local products

Small animals lived in our local areas


Foundation for Multi Media Communications

Teleclass International Japan


Ministry of Education

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Asahikawa city Board of Education

Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.

FUNDED BY: The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation

TITLE: "Victoria / Asahikawa Teleclass Day"


Asahikawa - KV6200/128kbps (Teleclass equipment)

Victoria - VTel Smart conference


KDD Osaka: Mr.Nakahara

NTT Asahikawa: Mr.Kanamori



[Master of the Ceremony]

The 40th Teleclass Video Conference


Virtual trade of local products

Small animals lived in our local areas

[program procedure]

00:00 Opening

Self introduction

00:05 special products in Asahikawa

introduction and Q&A for trading

special products in Victoria

introduction and Q&A for trading

00:25 introduction of local animal in Hokkaido "Kitakitune"


introduction of local animal in Victoria "Koala (?)"


00:45 closing

00:50 end


[Voices of Asahikawa Students]

Asahikawa Girl's Commercial HS & Meisei HS

The most impressive scene for you ?

・ Skit about school uniform by Kita HS students 8

・ Expression about koala & kangaroo

・ When we ate 'ra-men'(noodle)

・ When they introduced themselves in Japanese

・ Everything !

How was your presentation ?

・ Rather better than usual 4

・ Got a quite tense 3

・ Regret not to lift up my face 2

・ English is too difficult to speak or to listen , we must study harder.

What topics do you want to discuss about next time ?

・ School life or daily life at home

・ Natural environment

・ TV game

・ New fashion

・ Japanese history

・ Music

Write freely please.

・ Very interested due to the 3rd grade students' effort.

・ This conf. was worthwhile experience as we did our best all together.

・ We worried if they could understand our English or not.

・ We couldn't understand their English well, so if they speak more Japanese、 it'll be easy for us to understand them.

・ Anyhow we wish we could have another chance like this conf. Again.


[TIJ Summary]

We appreciate your great effort and warm hospitality as a host school of today's four sessions from early morning to late afternoon, setting or putting back everything in the conference room. Thank you so much.

The participation as Computer Club, not as English course or International course as TELECLASS often has, was the first time for us and gave the conference a deep (different?) significance.

It showed us not only excellent English students but also usual students can enjoy the conference as well. We saw their communication skill was improved step by step.

They prepared a lot of interesting materials such as ' Yukari−ori' 'ra-men' 'photos of kitakitune' etc.

We wish it would be better if you could try virtual trade, practicing your commercial studies in this high technological conference. We hope so next time.

Handling the video camera and the key pat of the system by the students was also very good.


[Comment From Mr.Bob]

"That was great....that was fun!" This is what I heard a young boy from Lucknow Primary school say to his friend as the video-conference with Chikabumi finished.

Thank you everyone for participating. I haven't heard yet how the Links 2 &3 went but here at Bairnsdale the students very pleased and excited by their experience. The laughter shared between Bairnsdale Secondary College students and the students from Asahikawa Girl's Commercial HS and Meisei HS was wonderful to see. The presentations made by the students from Meise and Asahikawa Girl's and by the students from Chikabumi made us feel honoured. A special "thank you" to those students and their teachers.

Another special "thank you" must go from all of us to Yoko for the tremenous amount of work she devoted to this and for her happy and encouraging manner.

I hope we can see each again soon.

Best regards,



I*EARN in Australia Management Team

Bairnsdale Secondary College

Bairnsdale, Australia



[TIJ Total Summary]

May 23rd, Asahikawa/Victoria Teleclass Day, was Teleclass Memorable Day since TIJ landed on Hokkaido for the first time.

We are sure it was very significant event that children of elementary school and students of junior & senior high schools in Asahikawa gathered together at the conference room and had a chance to communicate with Australian children & students.

Despite of short time notice from planning to practice, each school prepared a lot and finished in very pleasant atmosphere.

Our suggestions for next conference are:

Exchange outlines or text of each presentation beforehand and prepare some questions based on the texts. This is particularly helpful for Japanese students to understand partners and their presentation well.

Use more colors, sounds, and movement.


[Letter From Yoko]

Dear all,

It has been a week since Victoria and Asahikawa four sessions were over last Saturday. First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you who participated this Teleclass conferences and collaborated each other. It was our first time to make four sessions a day, and they were successful with your hard works even in a short notice. I hope they were not the end of the programs, but the beginning of Victoria/Asahikawa Teleclass Day.

TIJ wants to have it again sometime next year when four schools agree.

There have been started mail exchanges, digital images exchanges, between partner schools. Please keep contact each other. Our suggestions for next conference are:

* exchange outlines or texts of each presentation beforehand and prepare some questions based on the texts. This is particularly helpful for Japanese students to understand partners and their presentations well.

* Use more colors, sounds, and movements.

Special thanks to Bob who coordinated Victoria schools and teachers. Without your efforts, there would not have been this big day.

Also to Atsuko and her computer club students who warmly hosted all Asahikawa participants. Some of them even handled the video camera and the key pat of the system.

When TIJ is ready, we are going to send you some pictures by mail and video tape by postal mail. Please report sometimes what you are doing with your partner school.

<TIJ Yoko>

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