Teleclass Conference #36
(Outline, Program, Questionnaire)
#36 Okinawa -Hawaii Video Conference
Date: Feb. 27(Fri) 2:30pm- 4:45 --Hawaii
Feb. 28(Sat) 9:30am-11:45--Japan
Place: Okinawa KDD Video Conference Room,TEL:098-865-3326
fsd Hawaiian TelecomAHawaii
Sponsored by: Foundation for Multi Media Communications
Teleclass International Japan
Backed by:
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Okinawa Prefectual Board of Education
Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.
Funded by: The Telecommunications Advancement Foundatio
Usage of the ISDN Video Conference System
Title: " Aloha and Icharibachode"
-- Keeping Ryukyu / Hawaiian Traditional Cultures,
and Festival
Participants: Okinawa High Schools
Okinawa Prefectual Naha nishi High School
Okinawa Prefectual Kyuyo High School
Okinawa Prefectual Koyo High School
Hawaii High Schools
Kamehameha School
PartI: Introduce Ryukyu / Hawaii Traditional Culture and Festival
Teleclass schools (Okinawa schools and Hawaii schools)
introduce their traditional cultures, and discuss how to
keep them.
They also demonstrate their local songs and dances in
"Matsuri in Hawaiian / Ryukyu taste". Everyone joins and
experiences each partner's Matsuri.
PartII: " Aloha and Icharibachode"
Okinawa- Hawaii exchange program participants meet Hawaii host families on TV monitor, and introduceeach other before the real visiting.
0:00 Opening and Part I
0:05 Presentation by Naha nishi High School
Culture of Okinawa/Ryukyu Seimeisai / Eisa / Soba
0:15 Presentation by Kyuyo high School
Culture of Okinawa/Kamishibai/ Okinawan H.S. life
0:25 Presentation by Koyo High School
Culture of Okinawa/Ryukyu Bingata / Shuri Castle / Tug-of-war
0:35 Introduce Okinawa's song and dance
"Matsuri in Okinawa taste"
"Asadoya Yunta"(Okinawan traditional song)
Okinawa students demonstrate and Hawaii students join it.
Use all the above presentation tools
0:40 Presentation by Kamehameha School- 1
0:50 Presentation by Kamehameha School- 2
1:00 Presentation by Kamehameha School- 3
1:05 Introduce Hawaiian song and dance
"Matsuri in Hawaiian taste"
Hawaii students demonstrate and Okinawa students join,too.
Use all the above presentation tools
1:10 free discussion
"How traditional cultures color everyday life and
how local people try to keep (sustain) them"
1:20 time adjustment and switch part II
1:25 Okinawa- Hawaii exchange program
participants meet Hawaii host families. Introduce each other
2:10 closing
2:15 end