Teleclass onference #13





(Outline, Questionnaire, Comments)



Pacific Waves Foster Communication Friendship

APEC Video Conference By High School Students

Date: November 11th, 1995( Saturday )

13:30 - 16:30

Place: C & C Plaza Hall

NEC Show Room C & C Plaza B 1F

1 - 4 - 24 Shiromi Tyuoku Osaka City

( TEL ) 06 - 945 - 333

Sponsored by:

Teleclass International Japan

Telecom High Use Promotion Center

Kokusai Denshin Denwa.,Ltd

Backed by:

Ministry of Posts and Telecomunications

Osaka Prefecture Board of Education

Jointed by: APEC Osaka Conference Kansai Cooperation Council

Kinki Telecom Council, Osaka Teleclass Study

Usage of the International Digital Correspondence Network

ISDN Video Conference System


[Total Participators]

Total participating countries: 5 countries

Total participators: 346 people

Participating high schools: 35 schools

Osaka: participators: ‚Q‚U‚O{ 12( guests)

high schools: 2 7

Hanazono HS, Sumiyoshi HS, Senri HS,

Osaka City Minami HS, Tezukayama Gakuin HS,

Osaka Shinai Jyogakuin HS, Kobe City Fukiai HS,

Okanmuri HS, Nishiyodogawa HS, Sano HS,

Kaimei HS, Kansai Jyoshi College Attached HS,

Osaka Internaonal Takii HS, Asahi HS, Osaka Jyogakuin HS,

Hirakata Tsuda HS, Akutagawa HS, Tamagawa HS,

Mikunigaoka HS, Shoin Higashi HS, Senboku HS,

Hirakata HS, Minou HS, Hiyoshigaoka HS, Hineno HS,

Taisei HS, Kamigori Board of Education

Panelist (high school students)-----39

participating students\\\\\ 99

high school teachers------------------ 51

others-------------------------------------- 47

press---------------------------------------- 17

staff----------------------------------------- 7


Mr. Inoue-Minister of Posts and Telecomunications

Mr. Okayama-investigator of electric correspondence office

Mr. Osumi

- Kinki Electric Correspondence Administration Office

Mr. Yoshida -a member of Osaka Prefecture Assembly

Mr. Morimoto

-chief director of Telecom High Use Promotion Center

Mr. Sayato- head of Osaka Branch of KDD Ltd,.

Mr. Katsuno

- secretary of Minister of Posts and Telecomunications

Mr. Hayamizu- Kinki Electric Correspondence Office

Mr.Ikeba- Kinki Electric Correspondence Office

Mr. Tozaki

- executive director of Telecom High Use Promotion Center

Mr. Susuki- chief manager of KDD Osaka Branch


Sankei Newspaper, Yomiuri Newspaper, Asahi Newspaper,

Mainichi Newspaper, Japan Education Newspaper, Japan Keizai

Newspaper, YomiuriTV, T V Osaka, NHK, Mainichi Broadcast Radio

Partner Schools

participators: 74 people

Participating high schools:8

S'pore 3 teachers, 6 speakers, 30 students

Overseas Family School

The Chinese High School

Anderson Secondary School

Sydney 2 teachers, 7 speakers

Strathfield Girls High School

Sydney Technical Boys High School

Hawaii 5 teachers, 14 speakers

Maryknoll High School

University of Hawaii Lab School

Hong Kong @1 teacher, 6 speakers

St. Joseph's College




1:15pm open the hall

1:55 Japan opening introduce Guests

2:00 Video Confrenc Opening

HELLO, are you there? YES

Hong Kong -S'pore-Sydney-Honolulu-Osaka

2:01 opening

2:03 introduce Minister

a student takes him onto the platform

a student introduces him

2:04 Minister speech in English

Lai Shu Ying, S'pore replies to his call

Jeff, Honolulu replies to his call

2:11 FCC, Chairman Hundt message (by Internet E-mail)

2:15 introduce modulators in Part I

introduce directors in Part II

introduce operators of the whole

2:18 Part I modulater Mr.Shingo Matsumiya

Mr.Christopher King


Honolulu-Hong kong-S`pore-Sydney-osaka

Fukai HS and Senri HS


Osaka Minami HS presentation 9 min.

Question 1 to Sydney, 2 to Honolulu

3 to Hong Kong, 4 to S'pore


Tezukayama Gakuin HS 3 min.

Question 1 to S'pore-Sydney-Honolulu-Hong Kong

Question 2 to S'pore-Sydney-Honolulu-Hong Kong


Hanazono HS with video tape

Question 1 to Hong Kong, 2 to S'pore

3 to Sydney, 4 to Honolulu

3:25 topic 4 MONEY VALUE

Sumiyoshi HS with videotape

Question 1 to Hong Kong-Honollu-S'pore-Sydney

2 to Hong Kong-Honolulu-S'pore-Sydney

3 to Hong Kong- Honolulu-S'pore-Sydney

3:42 closing MESSAGE TO OSAKA

Honolulu-Hong Kong-S'pore-Sydney-Osaka


3:50 Pacific-Rim Student Appeal in each language

Sydney- Honolulu-Hong Kong -S'pore-Osaka

3:55 sing together 'From a Distance' and Sayanara

camara moves from

S'pore-Sydney-Honolulu-Hong Kong



4:00 Video Conference Closing

4:01 Part II Directors Ms Atsuko Kuramoto

Ms Vesna Grdjan

"International Communications"

Comments on ISDN video conference

quizzes on APEC

demonstration of Internet

4:30 Closing by Osaka Teleclass Association

4:35 evaluation fill in evaluation form

4:45 participants leave

5:00 staff leave


[ Summary of Presentations]

1. opening: INTRODUCTION (Senri High School)

Each station/country had two minutes to introduce the participants and the country. There were several variations of the type of the introduction: audio visual presentation, speech based presentation, and entertaining one.

2. ENVIRONMENT: water and our daily life

(Osaka Minami High School)

The following were the questions from Japna side.

1) Is the water safe to drink in your country?

2) Is the water in the river clean in your country?

If the answer is 'YES', a) Are there fish in the river?

b) Can people swim in the river?

3) In the major river how many hydroelectric dams are there?

4) Are there any diseases caused by the polluted water

in your country?

If the answer is 'YES', What are they?

5) What measure is taken against water pollution?

6) There are some detergents which have been abolished

in Japan. What's the situation in your country like?


(Tezukayama Gakuin Izumigaoka High School)

1) typical sound which described each country well.

2) question:

How old do you think your country is, suppose country is

a human being, and why you think that way.

Example: we think Japan is 90 years old.

Reason: Japan is an aging society and it will die soon.


(Hanazono High School)

1) What is "DOTONBORI"?

2) Why is it "DOTONBORI"?

3) What is "TAKOYAKI"?

4) Why is it "TAKOYAKI"?

Students tour guide explained with a video tape.


1) Show us the popular food among students, the real one

if possible.

2) list Japanese food you know

3) any spots (by pictures or videos) you would like to

introduce ( the spots which are not in guide books)

4) the places you want to visit when you come to Japan

5. THE VALUE OF MONEY (price comparison)

(Sumiyoshi High School)

Three Sumiyoshi High School students showed a video of about five minutes introducing various aspects of high school life in Osaka. As they guided through, they took up the following items and showed their prices / fares / fees in both Japanese yen and U.S. dollars.

school tuitions, menus in the students cafeteria,

hamburger, Coke, train fare, movie fare, Karaoke,

cars, gasoline

While showing the video, they stopped the video and asked to imagine what the prices / fares / fees would be. They also asked the prices /fares / fees of respecive items in each country. They showed how much monthly allowance they got from their parents and talked about the part-time jobs they did or wanted to do.

6. CLOSING SPEECH (Osaka Shin-Ai Gakuin High school)

At the end of this conference, students from 5 countries exchanged messages with each other.

1) Messages to Japanese students

Each country had 2 minutes.

2) Messages from Japanese students

Japanese students talked to the students of 4 countries. They also thanked all the sponsors and staffs who provide us this precious opportunity.



* WE did not know each other yesterday.

* WE have met today through the wonders of technology.

* WE have shared our cultures and ideas.

* Now WE are "NAKAMA"(friends).

* Let us continue as NAKAMA as we enter the 21 st century.


7. Sing together and Sayonara

song h‚e‚q‚n‚l@‚`@‚c‚h‚r‚s‚`‚m‚b‚dh



"Good afternoon"

-It is a great pleasure for me to meet all of you students in the Asian-Pacific region throufg this videoconference.

-When I was a high school students, I made many friends through exchanging letters.Whenever I read their letters or wrote to them, I tried to imagine their faces and voices, as if they were there right in front of me and talking with me. I remember it was such wonderful experience.

-Today, with video conference system, I can see your faces and hear your voices directly. Whether it is by letters or through video conference, What is important is that you create real friendship with people all over the world. I hope you would make as many friends as possible today.

-Prior to this conference,I sent all of you a message and I am impressed by the many responses I received. I am sorry that I can respond to only two of them now, because of time constraint.

-Lai Shu Ying of Singapore? Yes, in fact, the development of telecommunication technology is marvelous. I am sure that for Geography lesson, the day would come when you can look around the city of OSAKA here, while you are sitting in the classroom in Singapore. Of course, in order to enjoy wonderful foods of OSAKA, it would be necessary for you to really come here. Please do visit OSAKA.

-Jeff in Hawaii? Let me you every sucess in your dream to become a marine scientist. We are all concerned about our environment.

-It is itself a wouderful thing that I can talk to you like this through videoconference, but by far important is to understand that there are differences in culture, background and climate which influence us to form different values. I believe that the basis of the friendship is to respect and understand such differences, and to nurture common understanding on them.

-Today, young people like you can share ideas and dreams with each other through various communications media. I believe that you can create together a 21st century, where people around the world can live peacefully,a real global society.

-I wish you a great success.

-Thank you very much.

[Message from Chairman Read E.Hundt,

Federal Communications Commission]

Last year when I visited Japan, one of the highlights of the trip was my time at Senri High School, when I participated in a Teleclass video conference between students in Osaka and students in Hawaii.

I send greetings to this year`s video conference from Madrid,Spain where I am attending a conference on telecommunications. I congratulate Yoko Takagi and Atsuko Kuramoto for their successful efforts in continuing this program, which is so valuable in promoting learning and understanding about different cultures. I also congratulate the other participants in this project, Teleclass International Japan, the Foundation for Promotion of Telecommunications Services, Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co.,Ltd., the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Osaka Prefectural Board of Education, the Kansai Host Council for Osaka APEC Meetings, the Kinki Telecom Association, and the Osaka Teleclass Research Group. You have all showngreat leadership in making this happen, and I wish that I coule be there to greet you in person, and to hear Minister Issei Inoue's speech.

Experiments like these are valuable because they illustrate the importance of communications in the education of today's youth. In the United States, President Clinton, Vice President Gore, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, have all expressed support for introducing children to telecommunications in their classrooms. President Clinton has challenged the nation to network every classroom by the year 2000.

These United States leaders have highlighted the fact that telecommunications can be instrumental in helping terchers instruct students in basic skills. Familiarity with communications is necessary to prepare students for the workplace of the 21st century. Providing children with accsess to telecommunications technologh in the classroom ensures that all children will have an opportunity to participate in this workforce.

Access to telecommunications as the students participating in thisteleconference know, means access to people and information around the globe. This kind of access means that students can more fully participate as responsible citizens of their home countries,and of the world. In thisvideoconference, students from different countries will share their ideas, their problems, and their lives. Education fundamentally is about understanding, and this videoconference is educational in the best sense of the world.

Thank you for letting me participate via the Internet, one of the most recent, and most exciting form of telecommunications. I wish you all well, and extend my wishes for a successful conference.


[ Result of Questionnaire]

Students-----68, Teachers----- 12, Others---- 21

Special Impression


felt very closer when partner answered, laughed, clapped etc

beautiful Hawaiian dance

good communication by Osaka high school students

Senri High School ---- dancing

Hanazono High school --- situation, video of Takoyaki

Sumiyoshi High school --- report, comparison of prices

questions based on daily life was very interesting.

the last scene dancing and singing all together

the last Pacific Rim Appeal


wonderful presentation by Osaka high school students

girls spoke very vividly and clearly

the question about the country's age and its response was interesting

not only reading but quick answers by overseas students one after another was wonderful



Hawaiian dance

speech by a Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications

to understand each other through the words is wonderful

young people look to be the bridge over the world

to have the symposium linking Osaka and the world

*Did you feel a strong sense of solidarity as a member of Asia- Pacific fellowship who live together in 21st century ?

Students; Yes( 51 )

as a member of the same generation

want to study English harder to understand much more

all the students are almost the same

No( 6 )

our English isn't good enough yet

Teachers; Yes ( 7 )

though it's not satisfactory

young culture is the same -- price issue etc

real time, moving image, smiling face, laughing voice

Others; Yes (12 )

but sound stopping made us feel distance

hope to have conference continually

Do you want to participate next ISDN conference,too, if possible ?

Students; Yes ( 57 ) No ( 9 ) No answer ( 2 )

Teachers; Yes ( 11 ) No answer ( 1 )

Others; Yes ( 17 ) No answer ( 4 )

Do you want to do the international collaboration or cooperation with overseas high school students through PC correspondence, TV telephone, or ISDN video conference ?

Students; Yes ( 53 ) No ( 2 ) No answer ( 13 )

Teachers; Yes ( 11 ) No answer ( 1 )

Others; yes ( 11 ) No answer ( 10 )

Comment of Yes


want to try but have no chance

if available at school, it's very nice

if the efficiency of high technology promotes more ,

want to try


want to master the skill of high technology

need better English, but want to try again, if possible

Others; after much more study of English

wonderful chance !

Do you want to have Teleclass at school lesson ?

Students;Yes (62) No (5) No answer( 1)

Teachers; Yes(11) No answer (1)

Others; Yes(15) No(1) No answer (5)

Comment of Yes

Teacher; sound must to be more clear

need more work of both pre- after the conference

Do you get interest in APEC, internet, or ISDN at the quiz corner, part 2 ?

Students; Yes (53 ) No (8 ) No answer(7)

Teachers; Yes( 8) No answer( 4)

Others; Yes(12) No( 2 ) No answer(7 )

*Total Impression About Today's Videoconference


good impression

each country's presentation had its own characteristic and very easy to understand

very nice to have taken good use of videoconference

very useful for the true international mutual understanding

valuable experience

felt closer all together

very interesting to link with overseas friend

felt important not only to have good English ability but to know more about history, politics, environment problems,---

want to have such a chance hereafter too through internet

bad impression

time is short, want to have longer time next

more important to speak more clearly than fluently

screen is small and images are not clear

sound isn't good

Japanese students spoke one-sided and lacked regard for partners

to discuss about one theme is more interesting


a lot of thanks for the people concerned

videoconference gave us the feeling of being at the same place

felt videoconfernce's wonderfulness and difficulties

appreciate great English ability of the participating students

each school's sufficient preparation

Japanese students know that English is mother language or official language for other students, which gives them good motivation.

Osaka managed too one-sided way

Japanese students are a little bit poor to make impromptu answer

It's not good for the Japanese students not to ask again when they can't catch correctly

Is it impossible to see the three monitors at the same time ?\\Impossible !!


scale is very large and very interesting

all the students spoke very freely, it's wonderful

to discuss directly with the overseas students will be useful to make the peaceful world in the future

theme is too honorable, so I think it's better to talk about what they really think or feel


[ Students' Impression]


Hanazono High School


* T. K

I was deeply moved with all the overseas students' shout ' Takoyaki ! Dotonbori!' with us, feeling no distance though it's very far if we go by airplane. And Iwas very glad and proud when the Korean student answered correctly at once when we asked the position of Osaka. I felt Osaka is one of the major cities in the world. Thank all of you for a wonderful memory.

Tezukayama-Gakuin Izumigaoka High School

* F. Y

I took charge of school introduction. I was very sorry I couldn't understand well if there is no simultaneous interpretation. But I enjoyed very much each country's characteristic through wonderful images as the conference proceeded. It was a wonderful experience for me. Thank you so much.

*Y. S

Videoconference, not by telephone, gave me a great interest, catching the pertner's expression and atmosphere and sharing the real time. I hope ISDN will widely spread and to have much chance to talk with people all over the world freely from now on. Thank you very much.

*M. D

I have tried Luma-Phone( televi-telephone) before and I'm looking forward to trying videoconference very much. It was a great pleasure for me to talk with the overseas students together, though very sorry Korean students couldn't participate this time. I hope to communicate with foreigners freely and positively for the international mutual understanding. Thank you very much.

*R. F

I was very happy to participate this international conference today.I have had my own opinion about international exchange. It begins, I think , from to promote the exchange individually by the international - minded person and my dream is to spread this personal international exchange widely little by little.

And I think it necessary to know and understand deeply about my own country's culture and history. I want to learn Japanese classics at the university to be confirmed the deep understanding, what is Japanese ? , what is Japanese culture ? etc.

This idea owes to Korean people whom I met at the school excursion to Korea or my pen-friend. So I want to tell such my opinion through this conference.We, young people, must construct the peaceful 21st century.Today's conference teaches me it's difficult to act for the world, even though if I had the proper understanding about international exchange.

Sumiyoshi High School

*K.O ( girl )

I was really glad to take part in the APEC Students Conference. It was a precious experience for me. Hong Kong, Singapore, Hono-lulu, Sydney - all these cities felt closer to Osaka. I feel sorry that Seoul students had to give up their participation at the last moment. I do hope that we will have a chance to talk with them some day.

The conference provides us with a good opportunity to learn about Asia and Paific economies, to think about environmental problems and to introduce Osaka to the rest of the world. I felt, however, that the conference came to the end too soon. I felt all the more so because it was really exciting. I wanted to talk more, and to know more about each country.

I believe that all of us felt a warm sense of closeness, or friendship born out of sharing the same experience across national boundaries. I do hope that we can all work together to understand each other better and that economic ties between all the participating countries will be stronger.

*S. K ( boy )

It was a great pleasure for me to be able to attend the APEC Students Conference. I found it amazing that the students of five different nations talk on line at the same moment. I hope they learned something interesting about Japan through us.

I remember I noticed the students in Singapore were wearing half-sleeved shirts when it was rather chilly here in Japan once we go out of the studio. I had to realize the distance over which we were talking with one another.

I appreciate the ISDN technology which enabled us to have chance to make friends all over the world. I hope the mutual understanding between the participating students will help to promote the mutual understanding between the participating countries.

*T. U ( boy )

In my daily life, I have almost no chance to talk with someone who lives abroard. So it was a very exciting event for me to attend the APEC Students Conference.Through out this event, I realized how fast our lives are changing because I talked with people who live in other countries by TV. I also felt that I had experienced an event which not so many people can experience. So I'd like to say thank you toTeleclass International and all the people concerned. The conference was very interesting to see. However, my purpose of attending this conference was, to be honest, to be taken by TV camera. Since this event had many sponsors, I thought there would be many TV cameras. Though there were many TV cameras, I could not find myself in the picture. It made me unhappy because I had worked hard to be taken by the TV cameras.

Anyway, attending this conference impressed me a lot. Even though my presentation was not as good as I had hoped it to be, it gave me a chance to take advantage of the latest technology.


St. Josehp's College

*F. H. J. S

My name is S. I was one of the representatives of Hong Kong in the last conference held on 11 November 1995. The following are what we think of this conference. Please reply after receiving so that I can be sure you've received this message.

By the way, we are interesting in making correspondences with those who participated that day. Can we get their email addresses ? Looking forward to hearing from you.

The teleconference was great ! This was the very first time that I communicated with people overseas through cameras and screens. I've heard about " telecommunications make the world smaller" many times but have never felt before this event. Thanks a lot to Teleclass International Japan for broadening my mind and increasing my knowledge about different countries. I will miss everyone I met in the conference.

I feel sorry that Seoul could not participate. Hope next time they will be able to share the joy and the fun we had !

*S. S

It is really great experiencethat I could participate in the Teleclass conference. Before the conference I have never had the chance to sit down and talk to such a great member of students from foreign countries. My horizons were much broardened as I could know more about the culture and students life in other countries after the conference. I'm looking forward to the day when I can take part in such an exciting event again. It is really a loss that Seoul could not take part that day. I would like to say hello to the students that I could not meet that day.


It is really a great experience as I am one of the members in attending this Teleclass conference. From this conference, I can learn the different culture and life-style of different countries - Singapore, Hawaii, Australia, and Japan. It increases my knowledge and broaden my mind. I hope there will be a next Teleclass conference soon.

I feel very sorry that Seoul could not take part in the conference this time. I hope Seoul can join us in the future.


This conference is definitely an invaluable experience for me. I have a feeling that I am acting as a pioneer who makes use of modern technology to communicate with people overseas as if I am leading the world into a new era. As a Hong Kong citizens I think I am obliged to describe Hong Kong, the Pearl of the East. Though the preparation work is fairy painstaking, I enjoy this meaningful event. May Teleclass International be successful ever and ever. It's a pity that I cannot learn about the information about Seoul through this conference.

*B. B

Trough this conference not only have I learned much about the different culture and life-style of the participating countries, but much more importantly, I have learnt much more about and understood better our own city Hong Kong. By preparing for this conference, I have really dug into our culture and learnt things I have never known before but has always been a part of our society. So thank you very much Teleclass International Japan for allowing me to participate in such memorable and meaningful event.

If the teleconference were to be done once again, I truly hope that Seoul would be there to participate.

*T. L

What I think of the APEC Teleconference; The controls were a lot of fun. However, we were disappointed that we did not have sufficient time to present more than brief fragments of the material that we had prepared We would have linked more time during the teleclass to let the other countries know about Australia and our way of life and would have also enjoyed learning more about their countries as well as Japan. After the teleclass we felt one step closer to this NAKAMA feeling and hope further research and preparation will enable further teleclass to gain more NAKAMA.


Overseas Family School

*J. N

It was a very precious experience for us to participate in Teleconferenced talk withstudents from four other countries. I thought we achieved to communicate and understand the similarities and differences between countries by visual communications, We felt confident after the conference that telecommunication will be an effective tool to achieve cohesive internationalism.

*S. B

Greetings to Seoul from Singapore ! We are all sorry that you were notable to attend the video conference on Nov. 11. It was a very exciting experience, as we exchanged our views from across the globe. We believe that it is this sort of event that will slowly leads our new generation toward one world. We hope you will be there, too.

It was a great opportunity for our students to participate in the event. We hope we will be able to have an event like this again. Thank you very much.

*Y. H. M

Thanks a lot for the efforts in putting together such a manmoth task. Our students certainly enjoyed the video- conference. Our local papers and TV stations also covered the events & some of our students were interviewed over TV on how they felt about the conference. Yes, we were a little disappointed that the video conference was not so interactive, but our students were very nervous. We were certainly impressed by your Japanese students - their confidence & split second precision in moving from activity to another. Congratulationson a job well done ! !



Edith Kuttner Teleclass International Honolulu

Congratulations on the magnificent APEC Teleclass Event of Nov.10/11 ,1995. The ISDN Videoconference connecting the students of Osaka, Japan, Sydney, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, APEC Network. It was a masterpiece of planning and cooperation on the part of Teleclass International Japan and the Osakaparticipating schools, teachers, and students.

The schools in Australia, Hong Kong. And Singapore are also to be congratulated for their wonderfully efficient and interesting presentations.

We missed seeing the Korea schools because we very well know how capable their students are and have always enjoyed communication with them.

Teleclass International of Honolulu and the participating teachers and students Maryknoll High School and the University Of Hawaii Lab School wish to thank you for the privilege of November 11, 1995. We are all very anxious to continue the relationship and strive towards the goal of a workable student APEC network. These intercultural experience will encourage all our students to understand and respect the value systems of the various cultures represented. Many other schools in Hawaii are looking forward to joining the student APEC network.

Toshio Kurihara

Nagoya City Information Processing Education Center

Thank you very much for your efforts for the ISDN Video conference. Sudden no attendance of Korea would have made a great confusion. The success of videoconference by the high school students gathered together under the circle of APEC, using the high technology owed to Teleclass International greatly. Sorry I couldn't participate the conference but I'm looking forward to seeing the report or listening to a sensation through a lot of mass media. Hope to promote that conferenceto be the start of new conference of 21st century.

Leavett Brown Hineno High School

Thank you for your great effort yesterday. I was very happy to attend. It was wonderful to see all the students putting questions to each other and acting so naturally just like a real face- to face meeting, the content and format were good. Sometimes the pictures and sound weren't as good but that is just a matter of time. If I can assist the Teleclass research group in any way, please don't hesitate to E-mail me details. Thanks again.

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