#59 Teleclass Conference







Name of the Project: Teleclass The World 1998

Osaka & U.K Teleclass Conference

Date: Apr. 30(Fri.) 1999. 16:00 - 16:40 (Japan), 8:00 - 8:40 (U.K)

Osaka: Osaka Prefectural Senri high School
U.K : Gosforth High School

Schools for the conference:
Osaka: Osaka Prefectural Senri High School

2-17-1 Takanodai Suita city Osaka 565-0861
Tel:06-871-0050, Fax:06-871-2587
Teacher: Ms Yuko Tomoda

U.K: Gosforth High School
Knightsbridge, Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 2JH
Tel: +44 191-285-1000, Fax: +44 191-213-2068
Principal Mr.Keith Nancekievill
Teacher: Mr. Evans, Frank Lambert

Sponsored by: Foundation for Multi Media Communications

Teleclass International Japan

Endorsed by: Ministry of Foreign Affaires

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Osaka Prefecture Board of Education

Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.

Cooperated with: BBCC Education System MINE

Usage of the ISDN Video Conference System

ISDN equipment/numbers:

Osaka: Kyocera KV6200G81-6-6836-2208

U.K :VC8000 Olivetti 44-191-213-0789 Contact :Frank Lambert

Room tel. Numbers for emergency:

Osaka: tel 81-6-871-0050,G osforth: tel 44-191-285-1000

Date and time for testing:

Osaka: Apr. 30th pm (JST) 81-6-6836-2208

U.K : Apr. 30th am Gosforth HS : 44-191-213-0789

Theme: " Touch the World, Touch the future "


Topics: British culture, British toys, British food

Time schedule :

00:00 opening Introduction by teachers

00:05 U.k 1st group

Questions from Senri

00:15 U.K 2nd group

Questions from Senri

00:25 U.K 3rd group

Questions from Senri

00:35 ending farewell remark

00:40 link off

Modulator: Senri:Ms.Tomoda , U.K :Mr. Evans

System Operation Osaka:Ms. Yamazaki

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