Teleclass Conference #32



Date: Nov. 21(Fri) 3:00pm-5:00 --Hawaii

Nov. 22(Sat) 10:00am-12:00--Japan

Place: Kobe City Suma High School Audiovisual classroom,

‚f‚s‚d Hawaiian TelecomAHawaii

Sponsored by: Foundation for Multi Media Communications

Teleclass International Japan

Kobe Teleclass the World

Backed by: Ministry of Education

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Kobe City Board of Education

Kokusai Denshin Dennwa Co.,Ltd.

Funded by: The Telecommunications Advancement Foundatio‚Ž

Usage of the ISDN Video Conference System

Thesis: Transportation

Participants: Kobe High Schools

Kobe City Suma High School

Kobe City Kobenishi High School

Hawaii High Schools

Waipahu High School

AIEA Intermediate High School

Purpose: Japan and Hawaii students present about their transportation using the video and pictures, etc. In Hawaii there isn't a railway service, and cars are main means of transportation. So, we compare the transportation of Japan with that of Hawaii.



10:00 Opening Greeting

10:10 Presentation by Kobe-Nishi High School

"Transportation in Kobe[ present and future"

10:25 Presentation by AIEA Intermediate High School

"Waikiki Trolley"

10:40 Presentation by Suma High School

"Sushi-zumeiHow we go to school)"

10:55 Presentation by Waipahu High School


(2)"H-3 federal freeway"


(4)"Da Bus"

11:15 Presentation by UH Lab School

Short Skit by Sharon's class

"The role of bus transport for tourism"

by Wendy and Erica's class

"Tour buses in Hawaii" by Hongly Khuy's classs

11:30 Discussion

11:40 Closing Aloha & Sayonara

Outline of Waipahu presentation


Team 1:

Their topic about Hawaii's transportation will be entitled: "VanPool Hawaii which is a private company which works with the State of Hawaii to provide vans for carpooling. Carpooling is done by State or city employees who usually drive into downtown Honolulu for their jobs. But they now have a van so that 6-8 employees can ride the van to work. It is supposed to lessen the number of cars on the road in the morning or afternoon so that there is less traffic on the highways and freeways. We hope you will enjoy learning about this. Does Japan have similar traffic jams in the morning and afternoons? Hawaii does not have trains or subways like Japan. Everyone drives the car!!

Team 2:

Our topic will be about the H-3 (This is a federal freeway with a huge tunnel that was dug through the Koolau Mountain range on the island of Oahu to relieve traffic jams). This H-3 tunnel was very controversial because it passed through ancient Hawaiian heiaus (cemetaries) and many Hawaiian groups tried to stop the construction of the tunnel. After many years, the tunnel which connects the Windward side to the Leeward side of the island will open in December '97. We will also tell you about the H-3 Great Hawaiian Trek which was held in May '97. There were many Japanese tour groups which participated in the 10 mile run-walk through the tunnel. We look forward to seeing you and presenting our report.

Team 3:

Our report to you will be about Handi-vans. These are special vehicles that transport our handi-capped population in the State of Hawaii. They bring the special students to school each morning and pick them up afterschool each day. They also provide transportation for our adult handi-capped (physically and mentally disabled) citizens. We will be showing you what the handi-vans look like and what services they supply to the community. Do you have a similar system for the disabled in Japan?

Are all your public buildings and schools equipped with ramps, elevators, etc. for the disabled? How do the handicapped travel in Japan?

Team 4:

Our report will be about our bus system on Oahu. We call it "Da Bus" which is supposed to be the best in the United States! We're going to show you what they look like and how much it costs. Probably if you have visited the island of Oahu where we live you have seen and maybe caught "Da Bus" to go shopping at Ala Moana, or Waikele Shopping Center! We know you have fast trains and subways like other big cities in the world so maybe you don't need busses in Japan. We look forward to telling you about Oahu's bus system. Please feel free to ask us anything via Email before the conference. See you.

Thank you letter from Mr. Minpo

I would like to say thank you to all the students and teachers in Hawaii. I think the conference was very successful. All the presentations were very impressive, and the students both sides could exchange their ideas a lot. Especially Waipahu high school sent us the rough sketches of their presentations in advance. It was very helpful for my students, For the students in Kobe were all 10th grades, and not accustomed to listening English.


About the Meeting after the session(Japan sidej

After the session, TIJ had a time with all participating students and teachers, eating light lunch together. We talked about how important to make or have:



as the basic manner during the conversation

we learned from Hawaii students a lot



as the conference active and attractive

Among them, here are some requests from students:

1. REPEAT please !

2. SLOWLY please !

3. with GESTURE please !



All 4 requests are from their earnest desire not to miss every single word from Hawaii friends. Particularly, they want to read words on panels, but since they were held by hands,they often shaked and hard to read, or too soon to be replaced by another one. For us, for these 1st year students, the bus presentator's voice and way of speaking was ideal to listen.

Please accept students askings and, of course, TIJ's appreciation to your hard work to make video conferences together.

<TIJ Yoko>


Aloha and a reply from Waipahu High School

My students and I appreciate your invitation to participate in the anuual Kobe/HI videoconferences. We all learn a lot from preparing for such conferences and each time become better communicators because of the whole experience. Your complimentary comments boost my students' confidence and make them more aware of what needs to be improved:

Especially Waipahu high school sent us the rough sketches of their presentations in advance.It was very helpful for my students, For the students in Kobe were all 10th grades, and not accustomed to listening English.

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