Mr. Kuzuo's Kenyan Report 

Gordon Is Here!

Dear Negai friends

 It was a very lovely and enthusiastic day two weeks ago when Mr Gordon
received [me]Mr Kuzuo Tomohiro to visit Go Fishnet Project in Nyamasaria
and Ahero.We went to meet Nyamasaria widows group where I talked to the
group and gave them encouragements.These widows live in very poor
conditions and they are affected by annual floods which affects all their
houses,livestock and children.Later I visited Go Fishnet Projects in Ahero
where I was entertained by school children and teachers.Everybody welcomed me and they were happy to shake my hands and students hugged me!!Finally I met another group of women affected by HIV/AIDS and I gave them a word ofencouragement and adviced them to work hard in their achievements!!




 At night,we all went for drinks in a local Beer Bar where I danced very nicely in African tune!!On Wednesday the next week,I brought a group of volunteers
with JICA who came for a Puppet Show presentation at Kenyatta Sports Groundin Kisumu where a group led by Akiko performed very nicely and everybody liked them and requested them to come again with their performance!! Iintroduced the group to Mr Gordon and his secretery Ms Yunita.Gordon always say ''Mr Kuzuo is working very hard and his great work in Kenya is superb!!'' Enjoy the pictures attached with Mr Kuzuo and Gordon with Go Fishnet Project groups.Another picture shows me with my JICA volunteer members and my manager.I am wearing the cup standing at the backline center!!

sincerelly yours

Tomohiro Kuzuo


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